CISG Methodology
CISG Methodology

CISG Methodology

Buch, Englisch, 407 Seiten, Sellier. European Law Publishers GmbH

Autor: Dr. Olaf Meyer, M.St. (Oxon)

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: André Janssen/Olaf Meyer

Erscheinungsdatum: 2009

ISBN: 3866530706

Auflage: 1. Auflage

Quelle: CISG Methodology

Seitenangabe: 319-342

Aufrufe gesamt: 754, letzte 30 Tage: 2



Sellier. European Law Publishers GmbH

Telefon: +49-89-45108458-0

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Dr. Arthur L. Sellier & Co.

Preis: 69,-- €


The CISG is now being applied extensively both by international arbitral tribunals and by domestic courts of its more than 70 member states. But do they also apply it in the same manner? Although Article 7 of the CISG underscores "the need to promote uniformity in its application", it gives little guidance as to how to achieve this goal. Each judge and arbitrator is influenced by the legal methodology of his home jurisdiction. Therefore it is somewhat of a paradox that whilst the number of Member States is constantly increasing so too is the threat of variation in application.

In this book the most important issues of the CISG's methodology are analysed by leading experts from five continents. Whereas some authors provide a thorough analysis of the central topics of interpretation, others enter almost uncharted territories.

Dr. Olaf Meyer, M.St. (Oxon)

DE, Bremen

Senior Research Fellow

Zentrum für Europäische Rechtspolitik ZERP

Publikationen: 11

Veranstaltungen: 1

Aufrufe seit 12/2007: 1705
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2