Regional Cooperation Under Conflict
Regional Cooperation Under Conflict

Regional Cooperation Under Conflict

Israeli-Arab Business Cooperation in the Middle East

Beitrag, Englisch, 18 Seiten, Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Autor: Dr. Sabine Hofmann

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Harders, Cilja / Matteo Legrenzi (Eds.)

Erscheinungsdatum: 2008

ISBN: 9780754649939

Quelle: Beyond Regionalism?

Seitenangabe: 185-202

Aufrufe gesamt: 805, letzte 30 Tage: 4



Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Preis: kostenlos


In this article, I concentrate on one kind of Middle Eastern structure, which is mostly an ambivalent, but integrated element in that region: Israel and its interactions in the Middle East. Special focus is directed to the economic field and on the actors’ side. After first considering the role of the politicians, attention is given primarily to the business community. Although most of the Arab states formally boycott the State of Israel, its business communities have contacts and business relations with entrepreneurs in Arab and Islamic countries. Because of this, the structural analysis of the Middle East differs from that of other models and goes beyond traditional and dominant stigmata and standards. Finally, options for regional structures including Israel are based on the asymmetrical economic relation between Israel and other Middle Eastern economies and encompass Euro-Mediterranean inter-regionalism, Middle Eastern integration and regional fragmentation.


Dr. Sabine Hofmann

DE, Brieselang / Berlin

Publikationen: 3

Aufrufe seit 02/2008: 1273
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 4